Jacobsen HR 5111 4WD 11' Lawn Mower (2024)

for direct deposit \/ wire transfer instructions.<\/span><\/a><\/span>


Payment Terms: <\/strong>Payment will be due immediately upon notification of seller approval by email invoice, after the Seller approves the bids. After you receive the invoice, you will have five (5) business days to get your payment mailed to our office, or your account will be suspended, and the item will be awarded to the backup-bidder, or re-listed. Please mail payment in certified funds or money order to: Auctions International, 11167 Big Tree Road, East Aurora, NY 14052. Payment questions? Please Call: 1-800-536-1401 x201. GENERAL QUESTIONS: email service@auctionsinternational.com<\/p>\n

Payment Methods: <\/strong>We accept cash, cashier's check, wire\/bank transfer and credit cards.<\/p>\n

As per the state of Massachusetts\u00a0Out of State Bidders on Titled vehicles\u00a0will have to pay the sales\u00a0tax directly to the Dept. of Revenue online.\u00a0You will\u00a0receive a separate email with instructions once the auction has been approved.\u00a0This payment MUST be done within the 5 business days and\u00a0submitted to Auctions International.<\/p>\n

Successful High Bidders:<\/strong>\u00a0Please note when you are provided an invoice to pay, there are two different payment amounts.
1) A non-discounted rate for payments made with credit\/debit cards, and,\u00a0
2) A discounted rate for payments made with certified funds; cash, bank transfer, guaranteed funds or money order.<\/p>\n

Please make sure your payment amount reflects your choice of payment method.<\/p>\n

Individuals who pay the non-discounted rate with cash or guaranteed funds will have a one-time, courtesy refund issued for the overpayment. Subsequent overpayments will have a $35 administrative fee deducted from the remittance amount (or charged against) the invoiced buyer. Please make sure you are paying the correct amount, per your means of payment.<\/p>","convenience_fee":"0","affiliate_id":"0","archived":"0","preview_period":"0","state_abbreviation":"MA ","registration_time":"","location_override":"","start_end_override":"","time_interval":"1","extended_bidding":"1","description":"","allow_custom_bids":"","enable_charitable_organizations":"0","increment":"1","starting_bid":"25.00","flat_increment":"0.00","payment_gateway":"AuthDotNet","gateway_account":"","close_groups":"1","extended_bidding_threshold":"1","county":"Worcester","extended_bidding_interval":"-1","consignor_id":"1612","transcript":"","audio_feed":null,"send_closing_alert":"0","send_admin_closing_alert":"0","feed_type":"","completed":"0","flat_rate_shipping":"0.00","custom_url":"","paused_time":null,"paused_duration":null,"paused_status":null,"maximum_highbidder_bids":null,"hide_bidhistory_after_sale":"0","currency":"$","clerking_type":"cataloged","aff_logo":null,"blind_bidding":"0","shipping_methods":"","documents":[],"time_offset":3600}; return data;});bidItem.controller('ItemDetailCtrl', ['$scope', '$filter', '$timeout', '$interval', 'bidItemData', function($scope, $filter, $timeout, $interval, bidItemData){ $scope.auction = bidItemData.auction; $scope.item = bidItemData.item; $scope.current_time = current_time; $scope.enable_buy_item_now = enable_buy_item_now; $scope.enable_blind_bidding = enable_blind_bidding; $scope.user_item_distance = 'Calculating...'; $scope.is_admin = false; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', url: '/auctionhome/timestamp', async: false, success: function (returndata){ $scope.current_time = parseInt(returndata.current_time, 10); } }); $scope.time_difference = ($scope.current_time - Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)); if($scope.time_difference > -2 && $scope.time_difference < 2){ $scope.time_difference = 0; } $scope.current_time = (Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + $scope.time_difference + $scope.auction.time_offset); $scope.current_user = parseInt(current_user, 10); $scope.seconds = parseInt($scope.item.end_time, 10) - $scope.current_time; $scope.lang = lang; $scope.show_customer_info = show_customer_info; $scope.realtime = realtime; $scope.crowd_bidder = crowd_bidder; $scope.crowd_bidder_username = crowd_bidder_username; $scope.user_deposited_amount = parseInt('0', 10); $scope.disable_bid_history = disable_bidhistory_after_sale; $scope.show_bid_history = true; $scope.item.end_time = parseInt($scope.item.end_time, 10); $scope.item.start_time = parseInt($scope.item.start_time, 10); $scope.item.quantity = parseInt($scope.item.quantity, 10); $scope.item.high_bidder = parseInt($scope.item.high_bidder, 10); $scope.item.buy_now = parseFloat($scope.item.buy_now); $scope.item.current_bid = parseFloat($scope.item.current_bid); $scope.item.minimum_bid = parseFloat($scope.item.minimum_bid); $scope.auction.starts = parseInt($scope.auction.starts, 10); $scope.auction.ends = parseInt($scope.auction.ends, 10); $scope.live_not_started = false; if(is_auction_liveonline){ $scope.live_not_started = $scope.current_time < $scope.auction.ends; } if($scope.disable_bid_history && $scope.item.start_time > 0 && $scope.item.start_time <= $scope.current_time && $scope.item.end_time <= $scope.current_time && (angular.isDefined($scope.auction.hide_bidhistory_after_sale) && parseInt($scope.auction.hide_bidhistory_after_sale))){ $scope.show_bid_history = false; } if($scope.auction.starts > $scope.current_time){ var timeout = parseInt($scope.auction.starts - $scope.current_time + 1)*1000; if(timeout >= 2147483647) timeout = 2147483647; $timeout(function (){ $scope.initData(); }, timeout); } if(is_auction_liveonline && $scope.auction.ends > $scope.current_time){ var timeout = parseInt($scope.auction.ends - $scope.current_time) * 1000; if(timeout >= 2147483647) timeout = 2147483647; setTimeout(function (){ smodal('', 'The live auction has started! Click \'Ok\' to enter the live auction.', true, '', function (){ location.href = '/auction/liveonline/' + $scope.auction.id; }, true, function (){ location.href = '/auction/liveonline/' + $scope.auction.id; }, 0, ''); }, timeout); } if(realtime && ! angular.isDefined($scope.current_interval)){ // Interval is updating current time of the scope $scope.current_interval = $interval(function (){ $scope.current_time = (Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + $scope.time_difference + $scope.auction.time_offset); $scope.seconds = $scope.item.end_time - $scope.current_time; if($scope.disable_bid_history && (angular.isDefined($scope.auction.hide_bidhistory_after_sale) && parseInt($scope.auction.hide_bidhistory_after_sale)) && $scope.seconds <= 0){ $scope.show_bid_history = false; } }, 1000); } $scope.scrollToGallery = function(){ $('#imgtab,#detailstab').click(); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#itemtabs div.tab_content:visible').offset().top }, 800); }; // Init function of the scope item $scope.initData = function(){ // If auction is ongoing and realtime is enabled then initialize pusher API if(realtime && !angular.isDefined($scope.pusher) && parseInt($scope.auction.starts, 10) <= $scope.current_time && parseInt($scope.item.end_time, 10) > $scope.current_time){ $scope.pusher = new Pusher(pusher_api_key, {cluster: pusher_cluster, disableStats: true, pong_timeout: 20000, activity_timeout: 10000});// Enable for logging pusher events on development, not for production environment// Pusher.log = function(message) {// if (window.console && window.console.log) {// window.console.log(message);// }// }; var first_pusher_connection = true; $scope.pusher.connection.bind('state_change', function(states){ if(states.previous === 'initialized' && states.current === 'connecting'){ return; } if(states.current !== 'connected'){ $timeout(function(){ $scope.show_pusher_warning_alert = true; if(angular.isDefined($scope.current_interval)){ $interval.cancel($scope.current_interval); $scope.current_interval = undefined; } }, 3000); } if((!first_pusher_connection) && states.current === 'connected'){ $scope.show_pusher_warning_alert = false; window.location.reload(); } if(states.current === 'connected'){ first_pusher_connection = false; } }); if(! 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angular.isDefined(item.highlight)){ item.highlight = ''; } item.url = $filter('slugify')(item.title, item.auction_id, item.id); if($scope.disable_bid_history && $scope.item.start_time > 0 && $scope.item.start_time <= $scope.current_time && $scope.item.end_time <= $scope.current_time && (angular.isDefined($scope.auction.hide_bidhistory_after_sale) && parseInt($scope.auction.hide_bidhistory_after_sale))){ $scope.show_bid_history = false; } item.time_not_set = false; if(item.end_time <= 0 || item.start_time <= 0){ item.time_not_set = true; } $scope.item.buy_now_display = 'Buy Now' + ' ' + $filter('currency')(item.buy_now, '$', decimals) + (item.quantity > 1 ? ' x ' + item.quantity : ''); minbid_quantity = toCurrency(item.minimum_bid, decimals, '$') + (item.quantity > 1 ? (' x ' + item.quantity) : ''); proxy_quantity = toCurrency(item.proxy_bid ? item.proxy_bid : '0', decimals, '$') + (item.quantity > 1 ? (' x ' + item.quantity) : ''); current_bid_quantity = toCurrency(item.current_bid ? item.current_bid : '0', decimals, '$') + (item.quantity > 1 ? (' x ' + item.quantity) : ''); item.proxy_title = " You can enter a new max bid at any time by entering a bid greater than your current high bid.
A max bid would make it more difficult for others to outbid you.

A max bid is the highest amount you are willing to pay for an auction item.

In response to other bids, the auction system will automatically increase your bid in the smallest increment possible (up to your max bid amount) in order to maintain your lead position.

To get a max bid you simply enter the maximum amount you are willing to pay into the bid form just as you would any other bid. If your bid is more than one bidding increment above the current high bid you will get a max bid unless another bidder has a max bid in place that is higher than the amount you enter.

At the end of the auction, the winning bidder pays only the lowest winning bid possible. That means that you can win an auction item at a price less than your max bid amount.

Your max bid amount is kept confidential from other bidders.

You can lower or delete a max bid by entering a lower amount.

"; // Item bid status tooltip logic if(item.high_bidder === $scope.current_user && ((! item.has_reserve) || item.reserve_met)){ if(item.proxy_bid > 0){ item.bid_button_value = lang.adjust_proxy_btn; item.bid_button_title = lang.can_adjust_proxy; item.proxy_title = "

You now have a max bid.

You can raise or lower your max bid at any time by entering a new amount.

If you wish to remove your max bid you can do so by entering an amount equal to the current bid into the bid form.

"; } else{ item.bid_button_value = lang.add_proxy_btn; item.bid_button_title = lang.can_add_proxy; } } else{ item.bid_button_value = lang.place_bid_btn; item.bid_button_title = lang.can_bid.replace(new RegExp('%s', 'g'), ''+minbid_quantity); } item.reserve_price_display = ((item.reserve_option != 'none') ? ((! item.reserve_met) ? ((item.reserve_option == 'standard') ? 'There is a reserve price that has NOT been met.' : 'Pending Approval' ): ((item.reserve_option == 'standard') ? 'The reserve price HAS been met.' : 'Sells to High Bidder' ) ): ''); item.status = ''; item.status_text = ''; item.bid_status_text = ''; if(has_bids_in_item > 0 && item.high_bidder === $scope.current_user){ item.status = 'winning'; item.bid_status_text = lang.winning_status; } else if(has_bids_in_item > 0){ item.status = 'losing'; item.bid_status_text = lang.losing_status; } if((item.start_time > 0 && item.start_time <= $scope.current_time && item.end_time <= $scope.current_time && $scope.show_bid_history) || (item.first_to_reserve == 1 && item.has_reserve && item.reserve_met)){ item.status_text = 'Bidding is closed.'; if($scope.show_bid_history && ($scope.is_admin || ! ($scope.enable_blind_bidding && $scope.auction.blind_bidding == 1))){ item.status_text += 'High Bid:' + current_bid_quantity + ''; } } else if(item.start_time > 0 && item.start_time > $scope.current_time){ item.status_text = 'Bidding on this item starts Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 02:35:00 pm ET.'; if(item.quantity > 1){ item.status_text += 'This is a per unit bid so the total amount charged will be the the high bid x 1.'; } } else if(item.start_time === 0 || item.end_time === 0){ item.status_text = 'Dates to be announced'; } if(typeof(origin) !== 'undefined' && typeof(destination) !== 'undefined'){ $('.dvprogress').show(); setTimeout(function(){ if(typeof(google) !== 'undefined'){ var service = new google.maps.DistanceMatrixService; service.getDistanceMatrix({ origins: [origin], destinations: [destination], travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING, unitSystem: google.maps.UnitSystem.IMPERIAL, avoidHighways: false, avoidTolls: false }, function(response, status){ $scope.user_item_distance = 'Not Available.'; if(status === google.maps.DistanceMatrixStatus.OK){ var originList = response.originAddresses; for(var i = 0; i < originList.length; i++){ var results = response.rows[i].elements; if(results[0].status !== 'NOT_FOUND' && results[0].status !== 'ZERO_RESULTS'){ for(var j = 0; j < results.length; j++){ if(item.end_time > $scope.current_time){ $scope.user_item_distance = 'Approximately {distance} miles from your registered address'.replace('{distance}', results[j].distance.text.replace(' mi', '')); } else{ $scope.$apply(function (){ $scope.user_item_distance = 'Approximately {distance} miles from your registered address'.replace('{distance}', results[j].distance.text.replace(' mi', '')); }); } } } } } }); } }, 500); } // Item more info tooltip logic item.auction_item_location = ''; address_match = false; if($scope.auction.auction_group_type !== 11 && $scope.auction.auction_group_type !== 12 && $scope.auction.auction_group_type !== 13){ if(item.mapping_city === $scope.auction.city && item.mapping_address === $scope.auction.address && item.mapping_zip === $scope.auction.zip){ address_match = true; } if(! address_match && item.mapping_city && item.state_abbreviation){ address = ''; var display_address = ''; if(item.mapping_address){ address += item.mapping_address + ', '; } address += item.mapping_city + ', ' + item.state_abbreviation; if(item.mapping_zip){ address += ' ' + item.mapping_zip; } if(show_county_info){ if(item.mapping_address){ display_address += item.mapping_address + ', '; } if(typeof(item.mapping_county) !== 'undefined' && item.mapping_county !== ''){ display_address += item.mapping_city + ', ' + item.mapping_county + ' County' +', ' + item.state_abbreviation; } else{ display_address += item.mapping_city + ', ' + item.state_abbreviation; } if(item.mapping_zip){ display_address += ' ' + item.mapping_zip; } } var allowAddressCoordinates = false; item.auction_item_location = ''+ ((show_county_info) ? 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Jacobsen HR 5111 4WD 11' Lawn Mower (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.